MAUNDY THURSDAY – April 6th at 5:30 pm
Maundy Thursday service with washing of feet and stripping of the altar. Live streamed on
our YouTube page here. Download the order of worship.

GOOD FRIDAYApril 7th at 12 pm
Service of Solemn prayers in the church nave and live streamed on our YouTube page here. Download the order of worship.

If you would like to experience the Stations of the Cross, you may view the video from
two years ago here.

Great Vigil of Easter – April 8th at 7 p.m.
Candlelight service outdoors with renewal of baptismal vows followed by celebration of
Easter with chocolate and bubbly.  (FYI: Casual attire)

EASTER SUNDAYApril 9th at 10:15 am
Celebrate our Lord’s resurrection! Holy Eucharist Rite II
The service will be live streamed on our YouTube page here. Download the order of worship.