Ministry at Saint Luke’s takes many forms. There is the ministry of prayer, feeding the hungry, offering fellowship, serving at the altar and much more. As we seek to serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves, we offer our time and talents in several ways, and we are always looking for opportunities to reach out.

We also know how important it is to build community within the parish, to nourish us for the work of Christ. Ministry inside the church is both beneficial to the Body of Christ and FUN!

Here are the a few of the many varied opportunities to get involved at Saint Luke’s. We hope you will join us!

Our Ministries within the Parish:

  • Altar Guild
  • Acolytes (for all ages)
  • Music (Adult and Children’s choirs as well as The Scottsboro Choral Academy)
  • Flower Dedications (available weekly)
  • Daughters of the King (prayer, service, and evangelism)
  • Christian Formation…aka, Sunday School
  • Coffee hour hosts
  • Christian Fellowship
  • Buildings and Grounds
  • Youth Group (EYC)
  • Celebration of Saint Days, like The Feast of St. Francis: the Blessing of the Animals occurs on this day each year in October. See photos from our past event here

VESTRY:  Serving on the Vestry is one way to offer your leadership skills to our parish. Vestry members are liaisons to committees, they are responsible for overseeing the financial status and accounts of the church, and they serve as advisory counsel to the priest. Vestry members take turns serving on duty on Sundays with specific tasks.  See the vestry person of the day duties here. More information: Vestry Information and Nomination Form. Saint Luke’s Vestry works to follow the guidelines in this Episcopal church Foundation article:  TRANSFORMATIVE VESTRIES

Our Ministries in the Wider World:

  • Saint Luke’s Food Pantry (monthly distribution of free food to community)
  • Meals on Wheels (distributions of food to homebound persons)
  • Christmas Charities
  • Episcopal Relief and Development (worldwide efforts to help others)
  • Hosting The Scottsboro Choral Academy (an opportunity for all school children to receive music education)